Source code for time_series_buffer.buffer

from collections import deque

import numpy as np
import uncertainties
from uncertainties import unumpy

__all__ = ["TimeSeriesBuffer"]

[docs]class TimeSeriesBuffer: """ Custom buffer class, that allows to save streams of time-series with uncertainty in timestamps and values. Acts like a FIFO buffer. """ empty_value = np.nan empty_unc = 0.0 # np.nan? supported_iterable_types = (list, tuple, np.ndarray) def __init__(self, maxlen=10, return_type="array"): """Initialize a FIFO buffer. Parameters ---------- maxlen: int (default: 10) maximum length of the buffer, directly handed over to deque return_type: str (default: array) * list: return data as list of tuples of (time, time_unc, val, val_unc) * array: float-array of shape (N, 4) where rows correspond to (time, time_unc, val, val_unc) * uarray: ufloat-array of shape (N, 2) where rows correspond to (time, val) * arrays: four float-arrays of shape (N, 1) * uarrays: two ufloat-arrays of shape (N, 1) """ self.buffer = deque(maxlen=maxlen) self.return_type = return_type def __len__(self): return len(self.buffer) def __repr__(self): return "<TimeSeriesBuffer> ({0}/{1})".format(len(self), self.buffer.maxlen)
[docs] def add( self, data=None, time=empty_value, time_unc=empty_unc, val=empty_value, val_unc=empty_unc, ): """Append one or more new datapoints to the buffer. A datapoint consists of the tuple (time, time_uncertainty, value, value_uncertainty). Parameters ---------- data: iterable of iterables with shape (N, M) (default: None) If given, all other kwargs are ignored. * M==2 (pairs): assumed to be like (time, value) * M==3 (triple): assumed to be like (time, value, value_unc) * M==4 (4-tuple): assumed to be like (time, time_unc, value, value_unc) time: float, or iterable of float/ufloat (default: np.nan) Timestamp(s) to be added. time_unc: float, or iterable of float (default: 0.0) Uncertainty(ies) of the timestamp(s) to be added. val: (iterable of) float/ufloat (default: np.nan) Value(s) to be added. val_unc: (iterable of) float (default: 0.0) Uncertainty(ies) of the value(s) to be added. time, time_unc, val, val_unc need to be of same shape, but uncertainties can be omitted. """ # time series is given as iterable of iterables if isinstance(data, self.supported_iterable_types): for datapoint in data: t = self.empty_value ut = self.empty_unc v = self.empty_value uv = self.empty_unc # datapoint is a pair, could be pair of float or pair of ufloat if len(datapoint) == 2: if isinstance(datapoint[0], uncertainties.core.Variable): t = datapoint[0].nominal_value ut = datapoint[0].std_dev else: t = datapoint[0] if isinstance(datapoint[1], uncertainties.core.Variable): v = datapoint[1].nominal_value uv = datapoint[1].std_dev else: v = datapoint[1] # datapoint is a triple elif len(datapoint) == 3: # triple t = datapoint[0] v = datapoint[1] uv = datapoint[2] elif len(datapoint) == 4: # 4-tuple t = datapoint[0] ut = datapoint[1] v = datapoint[2] uv = datapoint[3] self.buffer.append((t, ut, v, uv)) # time series is given as iterable of floats elif isinstance(time, self.supported_iterable_types): # # needed in case of ufloat ut_is_already_set = False uv_is_already_set = False # time (could be array of float or ufloat) if isinstance(time[0], uncertainties.core.Variable): t = unumpy.nominal_values(time) ut = unumpy.std_devs(time) ut_is_already_set = True else: t = time # time uncertainty (could be array of same shape as time, single float or inherited from ufloat time) if not ut_is_already_set: if isinstance(time_unc, self.supported_iterable_types): ut = time_unc else: ut = [time_unc] * len(time) # value (could be array of same shape as time or single float) if isinstance(val, self.supported_iterable_types): if isinstance(val[0], uncertainties.core.Variable): v = unumpy.nominal_values(val) uv = unumpy.std_devs(val) uv_is_already_set = True else: v = val else: v = [val] * len(time) # value uncertainty (could be array of same shape as time, single float or inherited from ufloat val) if not uv_is_already_set: if isinstance(val_unc, self.supported_iterable_types): uv = val_unc else: uv = [val_unc] * len(time) # append to buffer after shape-check if len(t) == len(ut) == len(v) == len(uv): for datapoint in zip(t, ut, v, uv): self.buffer.append(datapoint) else: raise ValueError( "Lengths of time, time_unc, val or val_unc don't match. " "Check your inputs." ) elif isinstance(time, float): self.buffer.append((time, time_unc, val, val_unc)) else: raise ValueError("Your provided type for data or time is not supported.")
[docs] def pop(self, n_samples=1): """ Return the next `n_samples` from the left side of the buffer. View the latest `n` additions to the buffer. Returns the format that was specified during init of the buffer. Parameters ---------- n: int (default: 1) How many datapoints to return. Return ------ Depends on return_type, see :func:`__init__` for details """ # take the next samples from the beginning of buffer n_pop = min(n_samples, len(self.buffer)) next_samples = [self.buffer.popleft() for i in range(n_pop)] # return as specified return self._return_converter(next_samples)
[docs] def show(self, n_samples=1): """View the latest `n_samples` additions to the buffer. Returns the format that was specified during init of the buffer. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int (default: 1) How many samples to return. Return all samples in buffer, if set to -1. Returns ------- Depends on return_type, see :func:`__init__` for details """ # get length of internal buffer n_buffer = len(self.buffer) # return all if n_samples is set -1 if n_samples == -1: n_samples = n_buffer # take the next samples from the beginning of buffer n_pop = min(n_samples, n_buffer) next_samples = [self.buffer[i] for i in range(n_buffer - n_pop, n_buffer)] # return as specified return self._return_converter(next_samples)
def _return_converter(self, samples): if self.return_type == "list": return samples else: # handle empty buffer if len(samples) == 0: data = np.empty((0, 4)) t = np.empty((0)) ut = np.empty((0)) v = np.empty((0)) uv = np.empty((0)) # handle non empty buffer else: data = np.array(samples) t = data[:, 0] ut = data[:, 1] v = data[:, 2] uv = data[:, 3] if self.return_type == "array": return data elif self.return_type == "arrays": return t, ut, v, uv elif self.return_type == "uarray": tt = unumpy.uarray(t, ut) vv = unumpy.uarray(v, uv) return np.vstack((tt, vv)).T elif self.return_type == "uarrays": tt = unumpy.uarray(t, ut) vv = unumpy.uarray(v, uv) return tt, vv